How do I get rid of black knees

Written By The HealthMeth Team - Updated On Monday, September 20, 2021 1:00 PM

Herbal remedy

Cactus gel

Aloe vera gel must be applied and applied to the knees for half an hour, then washed, as aloe vera gel has been known for thousands of years for its great benefits in treating burns and reducing the tanning caused by sunlight, in addition to it moisturizing the skin and protecting it from becoming darker. [1]


Cucumber contains elements that moisturize, whiten, and gently exfoliate the skin . It is indicated that there are two ways to use cucumber, which are: [2]

  • The first method: mixing equal quantities of cucumber juice with lemon juice and some turmeric, then applying the mixture to the knee for 20-30 minutes, after which the knee is washed, and the process is repeated daily until the color improves.
  • The second method: Rub the knee with a thick cucumber slice for ten minutes, leave it for another five minutes, then rinse it with cold water, and repeat the process daily to get the desired results.

Home remedies


Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which is characterized by exfoliating the skin, whitening , removing dead cells, and rejuvenating cells, and it can be used by squeezing a lemon, then rubbing the lemon on the knees, and leaving the pulp on the knees for at least an hour, after which the knees are washed with warm water, and it is preferable to use some moisturizers after This is where lemon can dry out the skin. [3]

Baking soda and milk

Baking soda exfoliates the skin while milk bleaches the skin. Because it contains lactic acid, which reduces skin pigmentation, they can be used by mixing equal amounts of milk and baking soda together until a thick paste is formed, rubbing the paste on the black spots in a circular motion with the tips of the fingers, then washing the skin with lukewarm water, and with the repetition of the process daily, it will appear. Results are improved skin tone. [3]

olive oil

Blackening of the knee usually appears due to dryness, so the use of olive oil or other natural oils, such as: sesame seeds, or coconut is important in order to give the knees the moisture they need to maintain their color and freshness. [1]

Whitening creams

There are effective whitening creams that contain glutathione, alpha arbutin, and kojic acid, with a low concentration of hydroquinone, but it is taken into account not to use these creams without consulting a doctor; Because of its long-term side effects that may cause chronic skin diseases. [4]


  1. ^ A b "How To Tweet Get To the Rid Of Black Knees And Elbows: Menu Home Remedies . Best" , , Retrieved 12-11-2017. Edited.
  2. Sruthika (11-14-2017), "Top 10 Remedies to Lighten Dark Knees and Elbows" , , Retrieved 12-11-2017. Edited.
  3. ^ A b Riya (21-1-2017), "How To To the get rid 's by dark Of Knees And Elbows Fast?" , , Retrieved 12-11-2017. Edited.
  4. "How to Get Rid of Dark Knees and Lighten Elbows Naturally Fast, Treatment, Products and Home Remedies" , , Retrieved 12-11-2017. Edited.