How do I remove the blackness of the knees and elbows

Written By The HealthMeth Team - Updated On Thursday, July 29, 2021 7:00 PM


Lemon helps to get rid of stains on the skin, such as under the arms and on the knees , by cutting the lemon into thin slices with a knife, and placing it aside on a plate until the completion of the shower, then using the fiber, or a pumice stone, and rubbing the skin with it, and after completion From showering, dry the skin well, rub the area under the arms, elbows, and knees with lemon slices, taking care to leave the lemon juice on the skin for 30 minutes, and then wash the area with warm water, and to get the best results, the process is repeated daily after showering, and a moisturizer is applied after Lemon wash to prevent dry skin. [1]

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the best home remedies for dark areas of the skin, especially the elbows and knees, because it contains vitamin E that prevents dryness and lightens the skin, in addition to it helps to repair damaged and dark skin, and coconut oil can be used in the following ways: [2]

  • Coconut oil is placed on the elbows and knees after showering, and massaging gently for about 1-2 minutes, and the process is repeated more than once a day to prevent dry skin.
  • A mixture is prepared consisting of: a teaspoon of coconut oil, with half a teaspoon of lemon juice, then the mixture is applied to the knees and elbows, and left for about 15-20 minutes, then wash with water or paper towels, and to get the best results, you should Apply the recipe once a day.
  • A mixture is prepared consisting of: a tablespoon of walnut powder, and some coconut, then mixing well until you get a thick paste, and then placed on the elbows and elbows to peel off dead skin cells or dark spots, and it is preferable to do it regularly from two to three Times a week.

Medical treatments

Home remedies and health practices may not bear fruit in getting rid of black spots on the elbows and knees, so stronger treatments are needed to combat hyperpigmentation , including: [3]

  • Over-the-counter treatments: Over-the-counter skin lightening products, which are the first choice in medical treatments, and products containing hydroquinone, a compound that works to lighten dark pigmentation, can be used or products that contain acid. Lipo-hydroxyl , and one of the sorts of products that are used without a prescription in that it becomes expensive over time, and the treatment period may take several weeks or even months until the desired result appears, and the side effects of its use are: irritation, peeling of the skin, increased Sun sensitivity.
  • Prescription treatments: If the previous treatment fails, there are many treatments attached to the prescription that help lighten the skin, but make sure to consult a health care professional first before embarking on using them, and these products may include ingredients such as: hydroquinone, and others Bleaching agents.
  • Laser treatment: Laser is used to treat serious or difficult cases, but one of the dangers of this treatment is the appearance of scars that can make the elbows and knees darker with the end.


  1. JONAE FREDERICKS (18-7-2017), “How to Get Rid of Dark Underarms & Knees” , , Retrieved 1-24-2018. Edited.
  2. Brown (25-4-2017), “How to get rid of dark knees and elbows naturally & fast” , , Retrieved 1-24-2018. Edited.
  3. Cynthia Cobb (27-10-2017), "Remedies for Dark Elbows" , , Retrieved 1-24-2018. Edited.