What is hunger

Written By The HealthMeth Team - Updated On Thursday, August 5, 2021 4:00 PM

Defining hunger

Hunger is defined as the feeling of the need for food , or the state in which the body does not have enough food, [1] where a person was born with an innate feeling of hunger. In childhood, he resorts to crying in order to express hunger, or to remove food from his mouth or close it when Satiety, as hunger has many effects, such as: nervousness, confusion, feeling dizzy, headache, and other symptoms. [2]

Hunger hormones

There are two hormones that control hunger, they are:

  • Leptin: It is an appetite suppressing hormone , and it is the strongest factor in the energy balance in the body, and some researchers believe that it helps to regulate ghrelin, and gives the brain signals of the presence of energy stores in the body, such as: stored fat. [3]
  • Ghrelin: It is a hormone that stimulates appetite, and is secreted from the stomach, as German researchers indicated that its levels play a key role in determining how quickly the feeling of hunger is after eating, and other researchers believe that this hormone is not important in determining appetite, but it is It plays a complex role in determining body weight. [4]

Ways to curb hunger

There are some scientific ways to reduce excessive hunger, including: [5]

  • Eat enough protein . It increases the feeling of fullness and helps lose fat.
  • Choose foods rich in fiber; They are slow to digest and help release hormones of fullness.
  • Choosing solid meals instead of liquid ones; Solid and liquid calories affect appetite differently. Solids need time to be chewed, which allows satiety signals to be sent to the brain.
  • Drinking coffee.
  • Drink water between meals.
  • Eat dark chocolate and ginger.
  • Eat on small plates, and use large forks.
  • Doing exercises.
  • Loss of excess body fat.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Reducing stress levels.
  • Eat omega-3 fatty acids.


  1. "hunger" , www.dictionary.cambridge.org , Retrieved 8-1-2018. Edited.
  2. Caryl Ehrlich, "What is Real Hunger?" , Www.psychcentral.com , Retrieved 8-1-2018. Edited.
  3. Elaine Magee, "Your 'Hunger Hormones" , www.webmd.com , Retrieved 8-1-2018. Edited.
  4. Elaine Magee, "Your 'Hunger Hormones" , www.webmd.com , Retrieved 8-1-2018. Edited.
  5. Alina Petre (3-6-2017), "18 Science-Based Ways to Reduce Hunger and Appetite" , www.healthline.com , Retrieved 8-1-2018. Edited.